
Agent Bank Program


A Revenue-Generating Merchant Service Program for Community Bankspeople_icon_box-alt

Banks and financial institutions partner with ePaymentAmerica to provide merchant services for their commercial customers. Our turnkey program is thoughtfully designed with the individual bank in mind and is customized to suit the bank’s culture and organizational needs.

Market Exclusivity

We provide exclusivity in the bank’s market and we share revenue from merchant income in that market, regardless if the merchant banks with you or if the merchant was a referral from the bank. This increases the non-interest fee income that banks can generate as revenue.

Local Support

We hire local account managers and local technical support staff in the bank’s geographic areas to further increase the bank’s market visibility. Our local team members will provide deposit account referrals to your branch managers, as well.

Contact for More Information

To discuss your needs and receive a detailed Agent Bank Program proposal, please contact us directly at (901) 385-5335 or by using our online form.